My Katimavik group traveled 5 hours to Cape Breton to volunteer at the East Coast Music Awards. We stayed at an elementary school in town with the 4
other groups in our new rotation, and, to say the least, it was one of the best excursions ever! We had so much fun getting to know the other groups, and playing music together. We arrived at The Big Fiddle, which is a venue used for the ECMA's. Our volunteer job was to help take down all the tables. Little did we know, we'd be casually walking in on Joel Plaskett's sound check! Our project leader, Matt, knew about it but got all of the other project leaders to keep it a secret from us so it would be an awesome surprise. After sitting in on his sound check, we got to see a free show of Coco Love (a new Canadian artist from the Maritimes) and the Joel Plaskett Emergency. It was a live show put on by CBC Radio 1 Atlantic Wave.
The following day, my group and the Spryfield group went to a French Acadian show at a local pub, which was so much fun! Really upbeat music, plus we got to square dance. Afterwards, my group went to a nearby Wildlife Park that houses rescued animals... everything from arctic foxes to bald eagles.

We had such an amazing weekend, although poor Dan is sick with pneumonia, but hopefully he is getting better.
OMG - concert photos are phenomonal !!! I can still dig through boxes of old pictures that I took at concerts and remember them like they were yesterday. Of course I had to wait a week for them to be processed and printed - so mine were way more exciting :-)